Albion in films

Our freestanding baths have been sat in by A-Listers

What do Meryl Streep, Cameron Diaz, Natalie Portman, Anna Drijver and Lily-Rose Depp have in common? Yes they’re all accomplished actors but they’ve also all sat and performed in an Albion freestanding bath. Since we started the company, we have been approached by Set Designers, Art Directors, Production Assistants and Runners often looking to use one of our baths for a scene in a film, TV drama or music promo.

Director Rebecca Ziotowski captures Natalie Portman and Lily-Rose Depp in a beautiful period piece (2016’s “Planetarium”) about two sisters who can connect with ghosts.
There’s more than enough room in the Albion Aegean bath we supplied. This, along with Ethos Wash basins and toilets created the perfect period look on set.


A Tubby Tub was also supplied to the set of “The Holiday”, Albion were sworn to secrecy…as it was later revealed Cameron Diaz would be thrashing about in it. If it’s good enough for Cameron….

Meanwhile Meryl Streep must have spent an eternity in an Albion Solus bath on feet for a two minute take in “It’s Complicated”. Still, why would you get out if Alec Baldwin is ruminating on life and eating ice cream at the end of your bath?

Also joined in the bathroom is Anna Drijver in 2013’s “Smoorverliefd”, except her co-star suddenly appears in the Albion Apollo freestanding bath we supplied to the set. A great visual reveal by Director Hilde van Miegham.

And if you want to see just how long the water stays warm in an Albion Iso-enamel freestanding bath – check out the ‘Hipster’ in the Tubby Tub above. Yes, it’s a commercial, kind of, but we think you’ll find it reasonably entertaining too.

We supplied a Tubby Tub to the Dutch film “Oorlog’s Winter” – if you watch the clip, you’ll see the judicious use of a towel to cover the tap holes. The boy fills the bath with a kettle, that’s certainly one option but perhaps in the 21st Century wall mounted or bath mounted taps are preferable.