No one wants a dribble or a drizzle so let it pour with the Amie range of pressure balanced showers. This range has been meticulously made to maximise the water flow even at relatively low pressures. And, the temperature control is simple and instinctive too which is helpful when applying soap and shampoo with your eyes wide shut.
Amie Concealed Shower with optional upgrade 5”, 8” or 12” shower head
Sleek minimalistic design coupled with classically styled taps, the Amie concealed shower controls make a subtle statement best combined with the unsubtle 8inch or 12inch heads.
Amie Exposed Shower
Incorporates a PEV, (pressure equalising valve) providing excellent water flow at low pressures with easy temperature control and constant flow.
Amie Deck Mounted Bath Shower Filler
Complements the curves of your bath tub by maintaining the timeless flow of the bath rim. All water feeds are neatly placed behind the wall – an optional hand shower is available.
There are lots of sizes, options and accessories available as well as modern solutions for 12th floor apartments, old plumbing systems and whatever else you suddenly find you’re faced with. Please call us to find out more.
1920 Exposed Thermostatic Shower c/w rigid riser & Shower Rose
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